Monday, February 2, 2009

He's Here!

Sorry it's taken so long to post these pictures! Dex has been keeping us quite busy these days! He's a very good eater, which isn't surprising considering both mommy and daddy have those skills as well. He isn't, however, a good sleeper (especially at night)! It's only been 2 weeks though, so we're cutting the little guy some slack. We're all just trying to figure all this stuff out and think we're all doing pretty well so far! Here are some fun pictures from Dexter's first few days.

Dexter's first bath. He absolutely LOVES to get his hair washed. Who doesn't?

In his hospital bassinet...isn't he sweet?

Our first family picture! It's in the OR, right after I saw little Dex for the first time.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Waiting with Anticipation!

Well, here I go. This is officially my first attempt at starting a blog. The primary purpose of this blog is to keep our out-of-town family and friends updated with news and pictures of our baby boy. I'm going to try my best to do what I can with this, but please don't expect too much! While I would love to fill my blog with the witty dialogue and cool tech magic I so often see in others' blogs, I just don't see it happening. You are forewarned!

So, on to the subject at hand. After being placed on "standby" for a c-section for the past few weeks, we now have an official time of 9:30 AM on Friday, January 16. I cannot BELIEVE this is less than 3 days away! We are excited beyond belief and just can't wait to meet our little baby boy! We have prayed for this precious miracle for almost 4 years and he's finally going to make his grand entrance into the world. Praise God for this wonderful gift!